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Leader in major transport infrastructure delivery

Transia 3 Key Areas of Expertise

Safe delivery for everyone...

Transia is a leader in construction traffic management providing quality technical and advisory services on transport infrastructure projects across Melbourne and beyond.


Transia fills the gap in expertise between traffic engineering and construction to help public and private sector clients deliver outcomes that maximise safety and minimise disruption to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of major infrastructure projects.

Transitioning from traditional traffic management...

Traditional traffic management
The role of traffic management has evolved but the industry hasn't kept up with these changes.

Traffic management was simply about lane closures, road closures, static signs and traffic controllers.

As today's urban environments become increasing more complex and populated with safety a priority, the traditional traffic management approach does not suffice.

Traffic and transport consultants and traffic control companies have limited involvement with key stakeholders liaison and negotiation during the full lifecycle of traffic management design, development and implementation.

Transia is a one-stop shop that offers all of these services.
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Unique Expertise

Transia is leading the transition from traditional traffic management to a more modernised, integrated and innovative approach...

Through integrating skills and expertise in three key areas of Traffic Engineering, Construction Delivery and Stakeholder Management, Transia provides advisory services that help clients achieve the successful delivery of major infrastructure projects more safely, effectively and efficiently.



Transia serves both public and private sector clients. Our services and solutions provide a more holistic approach to the Planning, Design and Delivery stages of infrastructure projects to ensure better outcomes are achieved in Safety, Cost and Constructability.

Unparalleled experience


Years in the

Traffic & Transport Industry


Years of Construction & Major Project Delivery


Years of

Transport Engineering, Planning & Design


Years of Industrial Relations Experience

The Team

Todd Blasch Director, Transia Pty Ltd


Todd Blasch CPEng, B. Eng (Civil) (Hons)

Zoë Blasch MBA, Transia Pty Ltd

Zoë Blasch MBA, BSc (Hons)

Business Strategy & Administration

Transia Capability Statement 2024

Capability Statement

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WGTP Photo Bridge construction

Current Major Projects


Melbourne, Victoria

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