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Services for Contractors

Contractor clients - Construction
Mitcham Road traffic management closure

Advice, guidance and solutions where it matters most...




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With unparalleled expertise in traffic engineering, construction delivery and stakeholder management, Transia offers a range of advisory and services to help contractors deliver major infrastructure projects more safely, effectively and efficiently.  


​Transia can help you set your transport infrastructure projects up for success.

One of Transia's unique point of difference is our ability to help you set-up your traffic team and processes correctly, making it easier for you to deliver projects on time and within budget.​

Services & Solutions

With expertise in major infrastructure projects, Transia provides comprehensive advisory and training services in construction traffic management across all stages (Planning, Design & Delivery).​

City Link - Steel Girder
Project Inception & Planning

Project Inception & Planning

  • Provide technical traffic engineering and product advice

  • Develop safe, efficient and cost effective construction and traffic management staging

  • Advise on innovation opportunities

Project Delivery

Project Delivery

  • Prepare Traffic Management Strategies and Traffic Management Plans

  • Establish the traffic team, resourcing, procurement and processes

  • Engage with construction team to inform traffic staging solutions

  • Develop and manage key stakeholder liaison and engagement

  • Develop and implement risk management processes to maintain safety and compliance

  • Manage daily traffic issues and interfaces

  • Perform operational and functional design reviews



  • Prepare Traffic Management Strategies and Plans

  • Develop construction and traffic management staging proposals

  • Develop traffic team structure and resourcing requirements

  • Provide expert technical traffic engineering advice

  • Develop traffic management forecasts

  • Present construction and traffic management proposals to the client



Transia offers bespoke training to Contractors to provide insight into what is required from a traffic management perspective during the delivery of Major Transport Infrastructure Projects.


The purpose of this training is to:

Provide a level of knowledge to Managers, Engineers and Supervisors, to assist with decisions when considering traffic management during the delivery of major projects.



A more integrated and holistic understanding of the key function areas required to successfully manage the road network during construction can help avoid unexpected costs and resourcing issues, to ensure projects are delivered safely and on-time.

Transia Capability Statement 2024

Capability Statement

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Melbourne, Victoria

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